Q: How long does it take to get my order? 
A: We normally ship within 24 hours from the time your order was placed.

Q: What methods of shipping are available? 
A: UPS and USPS  

Q: What is the process after my order is placed?
A: If ordered Monday through Friday (except holidays), your order is usually processed the same day. If ordered on the weekend, the next available workday. Coffee is roasted and then shipped per your shipping selection.

Q: Can I place an order and ship to a different address? 
A: Yes, many customers order and have them shipped to others as gifts. Our secure shopping cart system has additional section where you can insert for another shipping address.

Q: Can you ship to another country or to the military? 
A: Yes, providing that coffee is not restricted to that country. We urge that you contact either UPS or USPS first to find out prior to ordering from us. The US Postal Service is the only authorized shipper to US military bases at this time.